temporarysounds character index
About temporarysounds:
sounded good, might delete later
Founded by: Des
Click on the images for the full artwork!
Name: Absent Light |
The dark is who it is. It doesn't speak, but the sounds will guide you.
Name: AsleeP |
An unidentifiable balloon. Somehow, you can hear a bunch of unnatural/organic voices in the balloon.
Name: Aster |
Aster is made out of star material, and her astral sound is what makes her the life of the party, even if she doesn’t know how human life works.
Name: Aurora |
She is dubbed the “most nostalgic pop princess of the 2010s”, even if she was introduced to 80s music at the age of eight. Ten years after her debut, she disappeared, nobody knowing where she went. Hazl knows, but their lips are sealed on the topic.
Monster made out of various audio data. For some reason, it has the capacity not just to kill a neural network, but a human.
Name: Des |
They want to be nothing but an internet lurker, and that's what they did, but after fouinding temporarysounds, they decided to do everything except music: coding, management, art direction, everything that they need to survive. temporarysounds will be dead meat without them.
Name: Hazl |
Hazl was once a pretty “girl” turned frog one mysterious day. Don’t ask them if they’re royalty or they will punch you with all their poisonous might. Although, they can control their poison touch, turning it on or off at will.
Name: Jack Aalto |
We don’t exactly know how his heart visibly became ice, but the rest of his fluid body can adapt to many conditions, maybe because he’s used to it. Little is known about him, and less of his true feelings.
Name: Lee Kingston |
After a really devastating event, Lee gave up on her dreams. Well, almost. Her dream of being a “musician” for rhythm gamers is still there, albeit her sound is now twisted with subliminally useless meanings caused by trauma from “a life that’s not theirs to begin with”.
Name: Orkid |
Coming from a different timeline, Orkid is a plant who inhabited the body of someone. Somehow, it can only read memories and not write them, so they are prone to forgetting. But what timeline did it come from? We may never know.
Name: Otoko |
Despite being a deranged nerd, they claim to be a magical kid. She will not tell you her magic form.
Name: PITCH |
Do not try to open this file. Seriously, don’t. All you’ll experience is pitch black senses but you won’t die (hopefully). This feeling won’t stop until you take off the headphones or the playback ends.
Name: Snowflake |
A broken childhood left Snowflake in pieces as all she can do is watch as her life is on autopilot. Contrary to stereotypes, never liked anime.
Name: Sophia |
She half-lied about pop rock being her main sound, for she was observed tinkering with other musical stuff.
©2024-2025 by Destiny Bautista. All rights reserved...? I don't know, I just placed it here just to look f*cking cool...